Monday, December 22, 2008


Say goodbye to the long lovely locks River once sported here in this pic with attitude. His mom is cheap and took him to great clips for a trim and ended up looking like Dora the Explorer. Needless to say the only remedy was to chop all the lovely locks off and start all over. River was devastated because chicks totally digged his hair. River's neck problems have been resolved since he no longer whips his head back to get the hair out of his eyes 500 times a day. Unfortunately I did not get a pic of River looking like Dora because he was very embarrased of how his hair looked and i couldn't bear to torture him further.


Carly said...

wait...please tell me that you are joking about the neck problems.

spenceandcass said...

WOW! You are blogging again! Awesome! Are you serious about his neck?

MegBass said...

I can imagine the neck pain, it looked painful! Love the cut!!

spenceandcass said...

Hey, when shall we expect a new post?